Dodatno: Odobrenje za uporabu pomonih nastavnih sredstava u kolama izdano od Agencije za odgoj i obrazovanje. Izdava: HRVATSKA KOLSKA KARTOGRAFIJA, kolska knjiga. The reconstructed ice cap area, which extended along the coastal mountains from Risnjak Mt. Vrsta proizvoda: Obostrana geografska karta plastificirana. The interpreted erratic blocks on the inner northern Adriatic Sea islands document the presence of middle Pleistocene glaciation of Dinaric Mountains though not its maximal extent, which is still unclear as the ice terminus was in the area that is inundated by postglacial rise of Adriatic Sea. However, some blocks are indeed shaped by sub-soil corrosion, as evidenced by their structure. Metodologija izvoenja projekta Osnovna geoloka karta 1:50.000 podrazumijeva pripremne radove, terenska istraivanja, laboratorijska istraivanja te zavrne kabinetske radove. Osnovna geoloka karta 1. Hrvatska Kostajnica Jablanec Jasenova ki Godine izrade: HOK - slubene karte 1954.-2009. After analyzing the context of the block positions and the physical processes responsible for their emplacement, and taking into account their sedimentological context (their association with glaciogenic sediments), we herein propose a glacial origin for most of these blocks. We have studied their mode of occurrence and composition, and revised previous interpretations of their origin in the light of transport mechanism and depositional processes. Previous researchers have interpreted some of these as a) erratic blocks, b) corrosional remnants, or c) rockfalls. Osnovni uvjeti: Kratkoroni zajam Brza, besplatna i beskontaktna dostava. Solitary limestone blocks and groups of blocks occur on Risnjak and Velebit Mountains and on the northern Adriatic islands of Krk and Rab. U eMerkato internet trgovini kupujete domae proizvode iz cijele Hrvatske.