However, numerous coastal and coral reef sharks do well in good aquarium surroundings although you should have experience in keeping other saltwater fish before trying to keep sharks as they are more difficult to care for. Many sharks will outgrow most home aquariums and/or adapt poorly to captivity. Species vary in their temperature requirement, so here an extra category has been added.

Seahorses are among the few popular marine aquarium species that can be temperate. One of the advantages of Seahorses is that many species stay small and can (in fact, some should) be kept in smaller tanks, making them ideal for aquarists who are pressed for space or money. WC Seahorses should only be purchased by seahorse experts who are going to breed them, as they tend to be finicky and most are endangered in the wild. Seahorses found in stores are generally Captive Bred, but occasionally one might find a wild caught (WC) specimen. In fact, beginners would be well-advised not to mix seahorses with any other species until they have more experience. They require taller tanks, live/frozen food, and many hitching posts, as well as very peaceful tankmates. A potential keeper must be dedicated and willing to throw artistic creativity to the winds- as what seahorses need is not always beautiful. It takes a special aquarist to maintain these delicate beauties. The engineer goby is a close relative of cichlids and leaf fishes, the juvenile can often be found in aquarium trade, while the adult is rare. Also, Gobies' pelvic fins are fused to form a sucker, similar to Remoras. Gobies have two distinct dorsal fins, Blennies have a single dorsal fin that runs the length of their body. Blennies do not have teeth or functional jaw, so food must be small enough for them to swallow whole.īlennies are often confused with Gobies, but there is an easy way to tell the difference.

They are omnivores and should be fed a varied diet of frozen or live foods and plant matter.

With the exception of Fang Blennies, Blennies are totally reef safe- in fact a reef environment is really best for them because they can be shy and the intricate rockwork of a reef provides ample hiding spaces. For example, the aptly named Lawnmower Blenny will keep your green algae well trimmed and presentable. Some blennis are colorful, and many are downright helpful. Most of them are peaceful to other fish, while very aggressive to other blennies which has a similar shape. Blennies are popular aquarium fish, and for good reason.